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Lavin Financial Group Career Overview

☛ Do you strive for a better quality of life and control over:

Time - Work when you want. Control your hours and work from home on your terms.
Money - Achieve financial abundance. Move from living paycheck to paycheck to living your dream life.
Freedom - Work hard, play hard. Enjoy the freedom of no longer requesting time off from a boss.
Legacy - Build a business for your children instead of someone else’s.

► Why aren’t you there yet? You probably followed the traditional path: go to school, get good grades, earn a degree, and get a good job with benefits and two weeks’ vacation.

Is this your dream life?

How’s that working for you?

During this webinar, you will get a high-level overview of who we are, what we do, and the compensation involved.

We will answer three key questions:

• Is there a need for what we do?
• Can I do this myself?
• If I do, will it be worth it?

Register now for our brief webinar to see if you qualify for a 1-on-1 interview.

Spots are limited and filling up quickly.

Your Presenter

Zachary Lavin
Lavin Financial Group
I always believed I was going to do something that I was passionate about…
Whether it was through playing football, getting a job in a field I loved, starting my own business, or something else - I didn’t know. But I knew I wanted to do something that excited me to wake up in the morning.
So, I did what most people do…I stayed out of trouble (for the most part), went to school and went down the path we are all “supposed” to go down. I vividly remember thinking: “Hey, at least in college I actually get to pick my classes and do something that interests me”, only to be truly disappointed because I soon realized that the business professors were teaching business classes but had never actually run a business themselves.
Within 3 months of my working “adult” life I was feeling trapped. It felt like I was only living for the weekends with my friends, and dreading Mondays was not what I wanted.
I envisioned 10 years down the road and thought: “Is this really how I want to end up?”: Being at the beck and call of some company, asking for a vacation, requesting to use the restroom just to get a sneak peak of my phone, all of this for the same measly paycheck?
I knew this “working for somebody else” thing wasn't for me.
If you are like me, you are probably looking for that ONE thing that is going to change everything.
With my level of frustration being at an all time high, I started purchasing business course after business course. Only to find out that most of these so-called “gurus” were only in the business of selling these courses. I wanted a mentor that had ACTUALLY done what they preached. I was starting to wonder if there really was a solution…
True story… While I was looking elsewhere, I didn’t realize that the answer had been in front of me my entire life. The opportunity I was looking for was RIGHT there, I just didn't see it.
You see, my parents, in my mind, were just my parents. It took a little time before I finally realized I had “business gurus,” in their own right, at home. When I looked up, my parents checked all the boxes. They had mega income, a team that loved them, created an incredible work environment and were empowering others to make more money than they ever dreamed of. To top it off, lots of time to do the things they wanted to do. They designed their own life.
You know what was the hardest part for me? Accepting that “following in my parent's footsteps” was the answer I had been looking for.
It’s no coincidence you’re here. In today’s world, being able to scale is everything. In our agency, we are utilizing work-from-anywhere systems to revolutionize the financial industry. We now have remote teammates all over the country.
Following in my parents footsteps, my wife Fran and I, are enjoying a fulfilling career that allows us the freedom to work from anywhere with plenty of time to spend with our three children. We love connecting with others, who share the same vision - who want to learn how to live their life on their own terms. To achieve the same for themselves and their families...
Best part? I can't freakin’ wait for Monday!
  • Profile
    Zachary Lavin
    Lavin Financial Group
    I always believed I was going to do something that I was passionate about…
    Whether it was through playing football, getting a job in a field I loved, starting my own business, or something else - I didn’t know. But I knew I wanted to do something that excited me to wake up in the morning.
    So, I did what most people do…I stayed out of trouble (for the most part), went to school and went down the path we are all “supposed” to go down. I vividly remember thinking: “Hey, at least in college I actually get to pick my classes and do something that interests me”, only to be truly disappointed because I soon realized that the business professors were teaching business classes but had never actually run a business themselves.
    Within 3 months of my working “adult” life I was feeling trapped. It felt like I was only living for the weekends with my friends, and dreading Mondays was not what I wanted.
    I envisioned 10 years down the road and thought: “Is this really how I want to end up?”: Being at the beck and call of some company, asking for a vacation, requesting to use the restroom just to get a sneak peak of my phone, all of this for the same measly paycheck?
    I knew this “working for somebody else” thing wasn't for me.
    If you are like me, you are probably looking for that ONE thing that is going to change everything.
    With my level of frustration being at an all time high, I started purchasing business course after business course. Only to find out that most of these so-called “gurus” were only in the business of selling these courses. I wanted a mentor that had ACTUALLY done what they preached. I was starting to wonder if there really was a solution…
    True story… While I was looking elsewhere, I didn’t realize that the answer had been in front of me my entire life. The opportunity I was looking for was RIGHT there, I just didn't see it.
    You see, my parents, in my mind, were just my parents. It took a little time before I finally realized I had “business gurus,” in their own right, at home. When I looked up, my parents checked all the boxes. They had mega income, a team that loved them, created an incredible work environment and were empowering others to make more money than they ever dreamed of. To top it off, lots of time to do the things they wanted to do. They designed their own life.
    You know what was the hardest part for me? Accepting that “following in my parent's footsteps” was the answer I had been looking for.
    It’s no coincidence you’re here. In today’s world, being able to scale is everything. In our agency, we are utilizing work-from-anywhere systems to revolutionize the financial industry. We now have remote teammates all over the country.
    Following in my parents footsteps, my wife Fran and I, are enjoying a fulfilling career that allows us the freedom to work from anywhere with plenty of time to spend with our three children. We love connecting with others, who share the same vision - who want to learn how to live their life on their own terms. To achieve the same for themselves and their families...
    Best part? I can't freakin’ wait for Monday!